
I had my first trip to the market in the neighbouring village of Bedoin since before Xmas. It was a lovely spring morning, and I was thrilled to see my favourite stalls there. Annie, who sells the loveliest linen table cloths and napkins ( I have been buying from her since I first meet her in the Vaison la Romaine about 10 years ago). Everyone was in a jolly mood. I usually get to the market early when it opens to avoid the crowds and whilst masks were worn by everyone, I am not comfortable in crowded situations. My haul included home- made quiche that we had for lunch, salad and delicious locally grown strawberries. Tonight was smoked haddock (a freezer find), lardons, white beans, tomato and crème fraiche.

It is one of our staple fish dishes and we both love it, Haddock, Lardon and White Beans.


“My Simple Italian”